Privacy Policy


Welcome to our web shop. This privacy policy describes how we process personal data when you visit our web shop and/or make a purchase with us.

1. What is personal data?

Personal data is all information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. This may involve data that can be personally related to you, for example names, addresses, email addresses, or user behaviour.

2. Data Controller

The data controller pursuant to Article 4 no. 7 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is TENGA EUROPE GmbH, Immermannstr. 15, 40210 Düsseldorf, Germany

3. What personal data do we collect?

The data and information we collect in course of our web shop can be categorized as follows:

Automatically collected data: When you access and use our website, we automatically collect information, including personal data, about the technologies you use and information about how you use these and our website.

Log files and device information: Log files contain data that your browser automatically transmits to our web server. These log files contain information about

your IP address;
the date and time of the request;
the requested URL (the specific webpage);
the access status/HTTP status code;
the extent of transmitted data;
the referrer URL;
the browser type and the browser language settings.

Cookies/Beacons: We use cookies and web beacons and also allow our business partners to use these tracking technologies on our website. Cookies are small pieces of information that your browser automatically stores in your device's memory. Cookies contain a variety of data, such as information about the websites you visit, the frequency of page views and the actions you take on our website. Further, these technologies are used to save your settings, e.g., in terms of language and interests. These data are pseudonymized, so that an allocation of the data to a particular user is no longer possible. For more information about the cookies we use and how we use these technologies, please see our cookie policy.

Data and information provided by you: We process data which you provide to us under specific circumstances:

If you purchase a product with us you will be required to provide personal data, such as your name, address, email address as well as payment details.

If you contact us with questions about our products and/or our company or in case you subscribe to our newsletter, we will store and process your personal data transmitted with the inquiry/subscription. Under the section "Contact" on our websites we provide you with a contact form and request the information marked with an asterisk (*). It is your free decision which information and data you provide to us. However, we reserve the right to reject inquiries which do not contain minimum information on your identity or are obviously incorrect. If necessary, we will contact you and request further data and information in order to process your inquiry to your full satisfaction.

4. How do we use the data we collect from you? On what legal basis is the use based?

We use, store and process information, including personal data, on you, for the following purposes and on the following legal basis:

Provision, improvement, development and security of the websites: We use log files to make the website, including its functionalities, available to you. We also use the information and data to optimize our website and to ensure the security of our IT systems. For this purpose, your IP address must remain stored for the duration of the session.

We use log files as part of our legitimate interest in the availability and continuous development of our website. The legal basis for the use of the log files is Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR.

Performance of your purchase: We collect and process personal data only to the extent necessary for the establishment, execution and termination of the legal and contractual obligation towards you. This means that we will use your personal data in particular in the context of order processing and we will disclose the information to your preferred parcel service for the purpose of the delivery. In addition, we will communicate data to the payment institution within the framework of payment processing.

The processing including the disclosure of your data to the aforementioned third-party service providers is necessary for the performance of a contract and thus, is justified according to Article 6 (1) (b) GDPR.

Once your order is ready for dispatch we will also disclose your email address to the parcel service provider for keeping you informed about the status of your delivery.

You hereby agree that we disclose your email address to DHL solely for notifying you of the delivery process. Within the scope of this consent, you also agree to the sending of the corresponding email. You are entitled to withdraw your consent at any time.

The disclosure of your email address is based on your consent according to Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR.

Analysis: We use the information and data generated by cookies to analyse the use of our website. This enables us to find out more about the number of visits to a web page, user behaviour or the length of your stay and to draw conclusions about which content on our website is particularly interesting and which is less interesting for visitors. We may take this into account in future updates and redesigns of our website.

We have a legitimate interest in analysing the use of our websites. This is the only way we can find out whether and how our web shop meets with any interest at all and which puts us into a position to better plan and use our resources. The legal basis for the use of cookies for analytical purposes is Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR.

Marketing and advertising: We use the information we have about you as well as the data from cookies and web beacons for advertising purposes, for example to display advertising on our website or on third-party websites. The data can provide information about how you navigate the Internet and which advertising you were particularly interested in because you clicked on it. This allows us and our advertising partners to target their advertising much more effectively and make recommendations based on your interests and preferences.

We have a legitimate interest in the use of your data in the context of our direct marketing and advertising activities, because we would like to offer you our products and/or the products which could be of interest to you. We also use the data collected by cookies to understand how efficient our advertising campaigns are, which helps us plan and budget our advertising. The legal basis for the use of cookies for analytical purposes is Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR (in connection with Article 21 GDPR and Recital 47 of the GDPR).

Communication/Newsletter: We use the data that we request from you or that you provide to us in connection with your enquiry in order to respond to your enquiry as quickly and efficiently as possible.

The use of your data in the context of communication with you corresponds to our legitimate interest pursuant to Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR.

In case you subscribed to our newsletter or in case you are an existent customer, we will use your data to send our newsletter to you. Subscription to our newsletter is subject to a so-called double opt-in procedure. This means that after your entered your email address in the corresponding field you will receive an email asking you to confirm your subscription. This confirmation is necessary to ensure that you entered the right email address and that it is not misused by an unauthorized third party. Subscriptions to the newsletter are logged in order to be able to prove the registration process in accordance with legal requirements. This includes the storage of the subscription time, as well as the IP address.

The legal basis for the delivery of the newsletter is Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR in conjunction with Section 7 (2) (3) German Unfair Competition Act or on the basis of the legal permission pursuant to Section 7 (3) German Unfair Competition Act.

5. Will the data and information on me be shared with others?

We cooperate with various service providers to deliver our website and to achieve the described purposes, in particular to perform direct marketing and advertisements. These are the following products on which we inform you based on our level of knowledge:

Google products: On our website we integrate products of Google, LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Google collects and stores data using cookies that will be automatically placed on your computer (for cookies, see above). These are the following products:

Google Analytics: For the already mentioned analysis purposes, we use Google Analytics. That is an analytical tool that provides us with information on the use of the website. For this purpose, we or Google place cookies on your device which record your behaviour on our website and transmit that information to Google. Google uses these data to compile analysis reports on the use of our website. Google may also transfer this information to third parties if this is required by law or if third parties process this data on behalf of Google.

We activated the IP anonymization of Google Analytics. Prior to transmission to the Google servers in the US, your IP address will be shortened by Google within the Member States of the European Union or in other signatory states to the EEA. That makes it untraceable. In exceptional cases only, the full IP address is transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. The IP address transmitted by your browser in the context of Google Analytics is not merged with other Google data.

For more information on Google Analytics, please visit

Google Adwords Conversion: Like most companies, we try to increase awareness of our company and our products through online advertising and to attract the attention of potential customers. Accordingly, advertising accounts for a high proportion of our investment. In order to keep these costs as low as possible and to make advertising more efficient, we are very interested in finding out how successful our advertising campaigns are and in particular whether an advertisement we have just placed - and if so, how - has brought you to us.

The Google Adwords Conversion Tool helps us to do this. If you visit our website via a Google ad that appears in a Google search query, Google Adwords places cookies on your computer. These cookies contain the unique cookie ID, number of ad impressions per placement (frequency), last impression (relevant for post-view conversions) and opt-out information (flag indicating that the user no longer wishes to be addressed). Google uses this data to produce a statistical evaluation, which we analyse accordingly. We do not collect and process any personal data in connection with the Adwords cookie and do not receive any further data.

We have no influence on the extent and further use of the data collected by Google using this tool. Google may collect and process your IP address and - if you are registered with a Google service - Google may associate your visit to our website with your account.

For information on how Conversion Tracking works, visit

Shopify: Our web shop and its functionalities, e.g., the cart functionality, are hosted by Shopify, Inc., 126 York Street, Suite 200, Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1N 5T5. Once you place an order with our web shop, we will, thus, share your details with Shopify which will assist us in processing your order.

Please refer to Shopify’s privacy policy for further information:

6. How long will my data be stored?

We only store your data provided to us for as long as it is necessary to fulfil the respective purpose for which you have transmitted your data to us or to comply with legal requirements. That means, for example, that in case you purchased one of our products we are entitled to store your data and information on your purchase for two years in order to comply with your warranty rights, if any.

Log files are erased once the respective session has ended. Log files for security purposes and as a precaution against attacks on our websites are automatically erased after 7 days at the latest. The data and information obtained by Google Analytics are automatically erased after 14 months.

7. Will data also be transmitted to recipients outside the European Union or outside the European Economic Area (EEA)?

We share personal information with contractors located in non-EEA countries, e.g., to our service provider for the handling of newsletters. In this case, we ensure that the recipient either has an adequate level of data protection (e.g. based on an adequacy decision of the EU Commission for the respective country, a self-certification of the recipient for the EU-US Privacy Shield or the agreement of so-called EU standard contractual clauses of the European Union with the recipient) or sufficient consent.

We can provide you with an overview of the recipients in third countries and a copy of the concretely agreed regulations to ensure the appropriate level of data protection. Please use the information in the section „Contact“ below.

8. What rights do I have?

In accordance with applicable data protection law, you have the right to access, rectification, portability and erasure of your personal data.

In case the data processing is justified by our legitimate interests, you have the right to object the data processing for the future, unless the data is absolutely necessary for operation of the websites (which is particularly the case with log files).

You may at any time unsubscribe from our newsletter by clicking the respective unsubscribe button in each mailing or by sending us an email.

Your right of objection in connection with Google: You can prevent Google from storing cookies in various ways by

- Setting your browser to not accept cookies. However, we would like to point out that in this case you may not be able to use all functions of our website to their full extent;
- Downloading and installing the browser add-on offered by Google for the product "Google Analytics" from the following link:;
- Downloading and installing the browser add-on offered by Google under the following link in order to prevent Google from evaluating your interests in order to display user or interest-based advertising:;
- Disabling interest-based ads from providers that are part of the "About Ads" self-regulation campaign via the link, which will be deleted if you delete your cookies.

Your right of complaint to a supervisory authority: Without prejudice to the rights described above, you have the right of complaint to a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your place of residence, work or suspected infringement, if you believe that the processing of personal data concerning you is contrary to the GDPR.

The supervisory authority to which the complaint has been lodged shall inform the complainant of the status and results of the complaint, including the possibility of a judicial remedy under Article 78 GDPR.

9. Contact

Please contact us in case of any questions and suggestions in terms of data protection:

Immermannstr. 15
40210 Düsseldorf